Contemporaneous Extension

Black TV (1968)
December 3, 2013, 11:02 pm
Filed under: Treatz | Tags: , , , ,

Research for an upcoming consideration of Aldo Tambellini’s videograms led me to this masterpiece (via the artist).


“this is the news:
time is shooting from the video gun
images are bullets targeting the screen
TV the assassin of reality is a weapon pointed at your mind
the sixties have passed/recorded/obliterated/stored/erased death/starvation/riots/assassinations/moon landing/ bombs/choppers/astronauts
familiar images stored in the videodisk of the mind recalled
Black TV begins with the beam turning on
the white noise the electronic snow
Black TV ends with the beam going off
to black”

*WARNING: Includes loud noises, rapid and disturbing imagery.